It's December, the Christmas season.
In fact it's Christmas day and yet, something doesn't feel right.
Doesn't feel whole.
It just all round doesn't feel like Christmas.
The second most loved day in my year and I'm not loving it.
Irony? Not really. I'm glad to be with family and sad to be away from friends.
Excited at the prospect of this year almost being over and let down by the lack of sincerity in this beautiful season.
I feel as if people have yet again forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and need to be reminded. So keep your gifts and party favours and rather look towards what Christmas means.
I'm not saying that Christmas isn't about giving and receving, becasue it is, and so much more too. What I'm saying is that when you give, give with sincerity and when you receive, receive with gratitude. Most important NEVER forget that 'Christ'mas is about the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ :)