Saturday, March 26, 2011

Silence calling

What is integration worth if it leads to insanity?

Sanity or insanity?

Which would you choose?

None of what goes on is worth the insanity. Not the love, not the caring, or the people. I don’t want to be chocked forever in this cycle that never seems to break. I’m searching for balance and finding none. Some have integration others have silence and space. Space that creates an equal balance with the little integration that they do have.

Right now. In this space. I feel intoxicated. I don’t understand what is happening. I’m lost in a world that is all I know. Help me.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I leave with a song

Memories. Sweet sweet memories.
In 2007 when I left the East Rand Youth Choir, my very last rehearsal, my friends, my family, sang this song "I Leave with a Song" to me. I just found this video on youtube ( ) and wow, the tears started streaming. I miss you guys so much and truly enjoyed our years together.

The sense of family and friendship within the choir is something you never forget. Everyone is so close. It's something we take for granted when we are actually in the choir. We know it's there but never truly acknowledge that sense of being 'at home'.

I know I said this when I left but, I have to say it again. Thanks you to ALL my friends in the choir. Those two years singing with you were amazing and can never be replace. Thank you to our amazing conductor. No one can quite compare to you. To Tannie Maralie (who I understand has now left) some of us girls would have been lost without you and to Ma Erne, your piano skills are beyond belief thank you for all the time you devote to the choir we have always appreciated it whole heartedly.

I remember my final night i stood with Alicia Snyman in the middle of the circle you guys created and then with the lights down low you sang me this song. I still can't listen to it without crying and every time I do listen to it all I do is smile.

I still love you guys, always have and always will and even though i'm thousands of kilometres away I still think about our choir all the time...

Kom aan, julle moet a toer to New Zealand doen!

Lovies, drukkies