Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I'm having a really tough time these days after the loss of a dear friend and work colleague. I know that many people all over the world have been affected by his sudden passing. It feels so surreal but it definitely happened. I visited the crash site yesterday, closed my eyes and tried to imagine how everything happened but I couldn't. I stood on the corner where you passed from this realm into another and spoke to you but with no reply. How did this happen? How could this happen? You were such an amazing person... You did not deserve this! I guess I'm just trying to say I miss you, we all miss you. I went to work yesterday too and everyone is feeling your loss. You meant so much to all of us. Everyone is hurting. Your name was still on the roster and people kept waiting for you to show up but you never did. Everyone got home but you! We miss you brother take care...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My dearest friend and work mate SHUNGU ( 25/06/2012 )

I can't believe you are gone. Just yesterday I was working with you, laughing with you and bugging you with hi's and bye's. Just yesterday you made me lunch, made a mistake and then remade my wrap. You sat next to me in the office telling me about how you were leaving work and going to finish your studies. So much going for you and now you are gone. Yesterday at work you mentioned how it would be the last time that I would see (because you were leaving macca's), how could either of us had known that it would indeed be the last time we ever spoke to each other? My days at work will no longer be the same. I won't be saying hi and bye to you several hundred times in one day anymore. I won't get to joke with you about the state of some African states or share with you funny memories of what it was like growing up in Africa. You were a leader and people looked up to you for it. Guess I'll be doing my tax alone after all bro! I'll never forget you my brother. Nothing can break the bond we had. So close to so many people you will be missed from now until forever. I pray that you are safe, I know you are in a better place now. TAKE CARE BROTHER AND REST IN PEACE!

Monday, June 25, 2012


I have been at war with myself over the past little while. I have always wanted to dedicate something to the A-SQUAD, to Auggie and to Juanita a dear "inherited aunt" who recently passed away. I had yet to do this because I wasn't entirely sure on how to go about it. How does one dedicate something to two people who meant the world to others and make it so their families would appreciate what they have written. I wasn't sure then on how to start and I'm still not sure now, but I'm going to try anyway.


Juanita, the time I got to spend with you was phenomenal. So many gifts and memories you had to share with those around you. Both a good influence and a bad influence, yet you remained so kind and giving throughout all things. Even up until your fading days. Someone asked me on the day of your funeral what I will remember most about you, and my answer was simple. "I will remember the drinking, smoking, swearing, fishing and how we used to both gang up on Alex (a new found sibling thanks to you, you've brought us closer together) and tell him to not be lazy and dish up dinner for himself. Also your kindness and ability to make all feel loved and welcome." It didn't matter how you did this, you always succeeded. Always full of humour it never appeared that anything could get you down. I still remember the time you first started getting sick. You kept on saying that you had a cold that wouldn't bloody go away and then one day we found out it really was. Such a strong independent woman you remained, right up until the end. When I looked at you lying so silently there, there was a smile on your face and so peaceful did you look. I love you Juanita and you are missed and will carry on being missed. TAKE CARE AND RIP


Akusitina, time has passed since you left this world and entered another and yet you remain ever present in the lives of many. I never knew you well but I remember you almost everyday. I particularly remember one time in assembly when you got up on stage and had a dance off with several other people (a skill you passed on to the twins). You always had a smile on your face. I remember your passing. Everyone from your year was called to school, and even though others didn't know what was going on, our year knew (or at least we had an idea) when the twins never showed up to school for a while. So many people remember you, an entire group (the A-Squad) was formed for you and they still, to my knowledge, visit you every once in a while. Mad respect girl. You were loved. I never really spoke to anyone about you but you touched me and I know the twins would agree, regardless of whether or not people knew you by blood or were just friends at school, once you made an impression on someone, that impression was/is left forever. You are missed you awesome girl. TAKEN TO SOON! TAKE CARE AND RIP!


Do you know what it's like to feel second best? To feel like you have no where to turn when you are feeling hurt, alone? Of course you don't. Someone is always there for you. How can you say that you don't view a relationship as being a couple spending alone time together, just the two people? Your own parents go on dates without their friends and the rest of your family. I feel almost as though you are blind to the world around you, to the people around you. Since when do you get off asking me to change my plans with you, so that you can go out instead on our date with your friends? What about rather doing something different with your friends and sticking to our plans. Our day out that we were supposed to share? In a way I'm so glad I know where I stand with you now. I think it's nearly time to say good-bye... You don't care right? So why the FUCK should I? Why am I forced to give a shit about you when you don't give a shit about me? Stupid heart. -IHATEMYHEART- I care about you to the point that i would go to hell and back, even give my soul to let you live if you were dying, and to what end? To the end that I know if you had a choice you would save a friend and disregard me? NICE! So good to know where I stand. Let's not forget the bit about you being a liar... "...absence has made my heart grow fonder..." said your words, but your actions gave you away. If I mean so little to you then go on, do it! I dare you! GO on... I know why you can't, why you won't... You've never had your heart broken before, you're too stubborn... So many reasons... Well by now you should know me, I'm here to stay and I'm not backing down because no matter how much you hurt me, I still love you! You mentioned once that you loved my uncanny ability to love even the worst of people and my enemies, guess that explains how I love you so bad... But yeah, Do you know what it's like to feel second best?