My dearest friend and work mate SHUNGU ( 25/06/2012 )
I can't believe you are gone. Just yesterday I was working with you, laughing with you and bugging you with hi's and bye's. Just yesterday you made me lunch, made a mistake and then remade my wrap. You sat next to me in the office telling me about how you were leaving work and going to finish your studies. So much going for you and now you are gone. Yesterday at work you mentioned how it would be the last time that I would see (because you were leaving macca's), how could either of us had known that it would indeed be the last time we ever spoke to each other? My days at work will no longer be the same. I won't be saying hi and bye to you several hundred times in one day anymore. I won't get to joke with you about the state of some African states or share with you funny memories of what it was like growing up in Africa. You were a leader and people looked up to you for it. Guess I'll be doing my tax alone after all bro! I'll never forget you my brother. Nothing can break the bond we had. So close to so many people you will be missed from now until forever. I pray that you are safe, I know you are in a better place now. TAKE CARE BROTHER AND REST IN PEACE!
Shungu bra, shungu, why you have to go. Since kids we were together, why now man, why now man. All this time you held me together, you always gave me peace of mind, and a good laugh. Tell me its a dream and i will wake up. I love you man, you my brother since nappies, all through life. Remember the stuff we used to do, jump and and go pub hoping, sneak in after 2 in the morning so mom wont catch us. I cover your tracks you cover mine, our promise. I didn't think it would end without me meeting you again. Sorry older bro, i am really sorry, i have to hold the family together but its hard, i am falling to pieces and need you right now. You would want me to be strong but its so hard, its so hard. Give me strength, help C out man, i cant do this alone. i feel you all around me, wish i could touch and feel you so that i know you. I love you bro, i will see you again, just help me now so i can help everyone through this time.
ReplyDeleteHi Russell! Thanks for your comment! Please feel free to add more memories to this and pass it on! I only know a few people who knew Shungu but I'd be honoured if EVERYONE who knew him wrote a memory here so we could all share them and honour the life he led.. You are not alone my African brother we all mourn for the sudden death of our friend and we are all here for each other! Take care! -Dominique
ReplyDeleteOne night me and him snuck out of the house, mom was asleep so we went out the lounge window and over the durawall. We went pub hopping for a few hours, the on our way home, noisy as ever we ran into three dogs. I was walking upfront as he had slowed down. I just heard him "Chamu Run!" I looked back to find him only to feel him breeze past me. I heard barking and i knew we were in trouble. So i started running after him. We stayed in a neighborhood with lots of ups and downs but the worst was our road as it had this steep uphill climb to get to the top of the road. We ran for 4 kilometers, dead drunk, up the road and straight home, dogs only stopping the chase when we jumped over our durawall back into our yard. He jumped first and i followed but i landed straight on top of him and I banged my head on the floor. We stayed there for a few minutes trying to breath. Got up and limed to the house, still mom was asleep. Snuck into the house and went to bed. Morning we came to the breakfast table and i had an ice pack on my head and he was just rubbing his back, mom asked what happened. "We fought!" No chance in hell we would say we were out. Last time she found out she near brought down the door with an axe literally. Funny enough, weekend after, at it again.
ReplyDeleteNo matter where we got lost, we always found our way home on foot and if was dead drunk he always carried me home. Never left me when he was going out unless i didn't want to go and never went into a bar if i couldn't get in (age limit).
Went fishing the other time and i was sitting on the other side of the lake and he had the bright idea to go and try on the other side where there was a huge rock he could sit on. So he up and away, i watched him and he got to the other side. there was this little path on the side of the road and he had to pass through it. So he prodded the pool with his rod to find out how deep it was. The road didn't even go on, so he was convinced it was shallow. So he put his foot in and soon his whole body followed until his head was the only left outside. I heard him cursing as i laughed at him. "Told you to stay here" i told him and he said "yeah whatever". He pulled himself out of the water and went onto the rock, lied on it and fell asleep. When it got too hot he wanted to come back but he had to cross the pool again. So he didnt waste time prodding it. He tried to jump across it but when his foot reached the other side it stepped on mud and he slipped and fell back into the pool. I laughed my lungs out as all you could hear was "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttt" We always went fishing together, rarely ever caught anything but its the only time we could drink and not be shot when we got home :)
He used to rap a lot, this is one of his songs i remember:
ReplyDelete"Yo, up comes the flows you've never heard be4, don't stop the boogy, don't stop me or the, whole situation be a new story, reach a different orgy that kinda be boring. The club theme this year is gonna be this here, hit your bitch, just stare, get your floss there, gonna be a hit year all of this year, niggaz ask next year i say hell yeah. So don't stop babe its the S-Code maybe we can go somewhere shady and we both get crazy, get ravy stand up and shout, girl you in it now, get up and bounce, when my crew comes through ya'all know ya'll through the ish we've been through will mesmerize you, to remind you will hypnotize, Shun.Z and his mob c rock this party"
>>>>>>>>>>>> the song was called Don't Stop, this was the first verse.
shungu , my friend why??we went to the same primary school together, courteney selous school back in 1990s in zimbabwe and then in high school our last two years at speciss college!! you were so smart and very intellectual. u had the answers to just about every question and u were so reserved in your own way. so respectful, so redeamed so laid back and a pleasure to be around. we chilled in the same crew at speciss college and got to know each other very well and we lived in the same neighbourhood and even remember taking same kombi with u and sat right next to u!! i remember all this like it was just yesterday man!!! just like it was just yesterday! i love u man and u r in a better place now. this world has surely suffered a great loss that can never be replaced.good bye my brother!!!