Wednesday, January 21, 2015


In the story of Tinkerbell it is said that the first laugh of a child is what creates a new fairy.

All of this.
This life.
These emotions.
They all started like this.

Strangers. The first meeting of any pair of people really. Nothing too flash. Nothing overly simple. Really it was an unmemorable memorable moment which ended in an exchange of numbers.

Weeks passed. Months passed.Years passed.


Then a "hello" or a "how are you". Long conversations all about how you were dressed that night years ago when we first met and even shorter conversations about myself.

Time once again passing by to lead us along different paths.


You became an integral part of my life. God forbid I actually remember when, but, for the longest time I can recall, you have ALWAYS been there. A friend without an agenda. Someone who listened and listened and listened. Many a conversation have we shared over sleepless nights. You were there at my lowest. Walking me through and leading me back. You were there at my highest. Proud of yourself more then me as ever.

Weakness to strength. Strength to ability. We have built a foundation that has; no matter the weeks, months or years of silence, withstood the tests of time.

Then one day it happened. It was a mild spring afternoon. Nothing out of our ordinary. I visited. You drove. We ate. We drank. We sang.

YOU rapped.

-double take-


For many days I have sat here wondering. Agonizingly trying to pinpoint the moment. And I now know.

The moment.
One moment.

Everything that is nothing but everything had lead up to that moment when I knew that you were it. That all those years of flitting and dancing and escaping were over. That moment...

Was the moment you captured me.

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