Friday, July 20, 2012


For a while now I haven't been able to come here. My ver own blog. The memories and tribulations stated upon this internet sheet of paper were so harmful in that time I was so fragile. I couldn't allow myself to come back not after everything that happened. Now though. I find comfort and hope in the things that have passed, the things that were written. We are often the truest forms of ourselves when we are most vulnerable and I see that now. When we are most vulnerable is when some things will most affect us and change our lives either for the better or the worse.

So what have I bee up to lately?

Well the answer to that of course is I haven't actually been up to much lately. I have though been more involved in the lives of people that I care about and love more then anything in this world. Whether it be with my SPIRIT DEMON, family or friends. I feel like I have been more in touch with the world lately and that has helped me settle in my mind.

New friends I'm still forming relationships with are also ever present in my life as we walk along a journey together of healing and strength towards our future goals. In life we hold so little close to our hearts that when those little things start disappearing we really realise the difference that they made, BUT, the disappearance of one thing can add to the addition of another. So to all my friends old and new know that I am thankful for the fact that you are in my life and that you are in your own ways there for me always.

On a more serious note.

It's back to the Orthopedic Surgeon this coming THURSDAY! In a way I can't wait to see him. IN a way I'm not. I can't wait for the day that I will be able to play sports, dance and just live life to the fullest without being in pain. My knee injury has somewhat over the past few months/weeks changed my outlook on some parts of my life. We go through life taking for granted a lot of the things that we do everyday over and over again in this subconscious way of life that sometimes we lead. I have seen those things. Missed them to the point of tears. Even pain itself is not as painful as the loss of quality of life. Now I know that the quality of life I lead in this moment is not completely lost but some things that you hold dear to you, once you cannot do them any longer can hurt you in some very strange ways. So back to the Doctor to sort this thing out once and for all.

A Special Note for You! You will know who you are!

I read something once upon a time. Actually, not too long ago. You just have to follow your heart, follow your 6th sense that I know you possess. Maybe what you are looking for won't be there in this very instance of your life, but you NEVER know what your future will hold for you. Stick it out and you will find the answers. Whether or not they are reciprocated right now is not important but the acknowledgement of the same feeling you have is the key. Give it time. What you felt once you could very possibly feel again one day. I have faith in your ability to know the truth.

ANYWAY! After all of that I must say good-bye for now and farewell because I have work to do! Yo ti amo EspaƱol!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back.
    Oh and azzzz well, it's good you've resigned to the fact of the surgery, if it is necessary. One way or another, your knee will finally be repaired and healed.
    Then you can enjoy the finer things in life... like walking, jumping, climbing, sitting in the indian position.
